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Pedro Juan Caraballo Llanos is a Kaplan University student currently pursuing his Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology.

Pedro Juan Caraballo Llanos's Bio:

Pedro Juan Caraballo Llanos is a Kaplan University student pursuing his Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology with Applied Technology Track.  Pedro Juan Caraballo Llanos currently a member of the Alpha Betta Kappa Honor Society and has been featured in the College's Presidents List for more than five consecutive terms. Prior to his Academic success, Pedro was a distinguished honor graduate on high school achieving milestones such as induction into the National Honor Society, letters of commendation from the President of the United States, and letter of appreciation from the Puerto Rico governor.

Pedro Juan Caraballo Llanos's Experience:

Pedro Juan Caraballo Llanos's Education:

Pedro Juan Caraballo Llanos's Interests & Activities:

Music, Computer Technology, Information Technology, Computers, video games, Christ, Jesus, Catholic, Love, Purity, Compassion, Bowling, Basketball, Baseball, NBA, Movies, Comics, Hollywood

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